We might have thought that summer would be a quiet time to move the project forward. But that’s not quite the case! Lots of updates, and most of them are good!

Discussions continue at the IETF

Let’s start with the core of the project, the draft standard submitted to the IETF. There have been many discussions on the MAILMAINT newsletter about the Expires: header. These discussions mainly revolve around whether or not the Expires: header should be mandatory in DKIM signatures, and a survey has just been launched to decide whether to include an explicit ban on automatic email deletion based on the header.

The survey: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/mailmaint/At4lKY0XGdmoKTH592sw_fdrdd0/

The draft standard: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mailmaint-expires/

The Certified Senders Alliance supports the project

Since last week, we’ve added the Certified Senders Alliance logo to the project’s website following official support from eco. This support will give us better visibility among senders and mailbox providers in Germany.

CSA website: https://certified-senders.org/

Expiration dates implemented on the Sweego platform

Since the end of August, the Sweego platform has implemented expiration dates. You can now integrate an expiration date either via the API or via SMTP.

Sweego blog announcement: https://www.sweego.io/channel/email/add-an-email-expiration-date-with-sweego-keep-your-emails-relevant

Technical documentation: https://learn.sweego.io/docs/headers/expiration_date

They are talking about email expiration dates

Our new supporters:

Want to make a difference? Help us!

You can play a key role in transforming the email experience with 3 simple actions: Implement, document, communicate.

Implement, by contributing to the technical integration of the “Expires:” header. Whether you’re a developer or connected to technical partners (agencies, email platforms, messaging tools), encourage new implementation projects.

Document, by sharing your feedback, ideas, and experiment results. Together, let’s enrich the discussion and make these contributions accessible to everyone via our platform.

Communicate, by spreading the word. Talk about it with your network, share initiatives that could help make email expiration dates a reality. Every action counts, and your voice can make all the difference.