Hello everyone!
Things are accelerating for our project as we recently won the support of our very first mailbox provider. Thanks to Ariane Journiac from Laposte.net for her support! It seems obvious that this is the first of many.
Technical specifications
By the way, Benjamin Billon (assisted by a nice bunch of specialists) is slowly getting to the end of the draft technical specifications. In the next few days, he will submit a first version to some major email and web specialists to get their comments. Then, this draft will be publicly available and open to everyone’s comments.
Let’s remind non-technical people that these specifications are essential for the rest of the project. They will define how the expiration date of the email is technically carried in the message. It is once they are validated that ISPs and webmails will probably come to support the project.
Several new supporters
In addition to Laposte.net, we have received several new supporters in recent weeks:
- Würth – https://www.wuerth.com/ : Multinational company specialized in the sale of fixation solutions. Würth employs nearly 80,000 people worldwide.
- Isoskele – https://isoskele.fr/ : Subsidiary of the French Post Company, Isoskele supports advertisers in their data marketing strategies.
- Younited Credit – https://www.younited-credit.com/ : French company specialized in consumer credit.
- Marketing1by1 – https://marketing1by1.com/ : Marketing1by1 is a French CDP solution
- Le Drive tout nu – https://ledrivetoutnu.com/ : Le Drive tout nu is a zero waste retail drive concept.
- WebAnyOne – https://www.webanyone.net/ : WebAnyOne helps small and medium businesses to select and implement marketing tools
- Sarbacane – https://www.sarbacane.com/ : French ESP.

New home page for our website
The homepage of the project’s website had been created in a hurry in one afternoon (it was a Wednesday, I remember). This weekend, I took the time to give it a little facelift.
There is still a lot of work to do : modify the wordpress theme, migrate the forms to a new solution, create FAQ, … don’t hesitate to let us know if you want to help.
How to help the project ?
There is no shortage of work to do to help the project. What is probably the most useful and accessible for everyone is to continue to make noise: contact your suppliers (routers, webmails, …), generate new supporters, …
In a short time, you will also be able to give your feedback on the draft technical specifications, and we will be able to move forward on another important aspect: thinking about implementation use cases. During this new phase, the idea is to mark out the best way for the implementation of the concept at ESPs and mailbox providers: legal thinking, thinking about the user experience, …
Feel free to connect on Slack to follow and participate to our discussions: https://join.slack.com/t/zerocarbonemail/shared_invite/zt-sxmoqhaf-FY5VKyjemeVUhHlFRRw6pg
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